A number of open source frameworks are available for the web developers in order to allow them developing some out of the box web solutions with enhanced configurations, utilities, security measures and added features.
The paradigm of open source offshore application development has been transformed at very greater extent with the inception of highly innovative and technically advanced PHP frameworks for creating and developing dynamic web pages. Every framework used in this programming language serves an objective to increase the overall programing efficiency during the web development.
If technocrats are to be believed, frameworks are meant to execute a number of purposes for the developers including features, speed, reliability and security of the applications developed. The article illustrates the primary frameworks used during the PHP Development and their advantages for the developers.
In this article, rather than getting involved in the debate of which PHP developer is using what framework to improve PHP Development Services, we would take into account the reasons for which a PHP developer use a framework.
Reasons for a PHP developer to use frameworks
- Frameworks meant specifically for PHP posses predefined design pattern. This helps a developer to doubtlessly follow the design pattern and make the code clean and scalable for future purposes.
- PHP frameworks employing MVC design pattern effortlessly disintegrate the part of user interface from business logic. The step largely helps in keeping the code much cleaner and flexible. A few good examples of such frameworks are CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Sympfony and Zend.
- They have got libraries working as a competent source of information and guidance for all PHP developers. Such an option facilitates developers to complete an assignment effortlessly and in short period of time. As for instance in case of validating form, a developer has to simply write one line code to call for library rather than creating code that would run into pages.
- While working a team, MVC based PHP tool can turn out to be truly facilitating since it allows to easily delegate the task to others and integrate it at the end. Hence, this makes the job of integration facilitating.
- Availability of various frameworks for PHP development have extensively facilitated the developers with quick and easy completion the project.
Now that we have already discussed that why should one make use of a framework, it is time to concentrate on a few most recommended frameworks for PHP development. Although, there is no straight reason available for answering this question, we attempt to solve the query with few facilitating choices. As per the requirement, each individual coder is free to make use of any of the frameworks. Suggestions given below may help you take the various choices of frameworks in account and consideration.
Most Popular PHP Frameworks
Those who chose to work on eminent PHP frameworks always enjoy the facility of having immense support and help, at ease. It is believed that the knowledge sharing in this field has minimized the learning curve largely.
Frameworks work wonders for large, extensive projects. Small project can be handled with manual coding but complex projects may turn a little more demanding. Hence, frameworks are apt for long projects. In case of architectural features requirements, CakePHP is indeed the best option since it is very similar to Ruby on Rails.
Zend Framework
Zend is a very popular open source framework accommodates a number of object oriented components and some well equipped programming conventions as well. When it comes to conceive and develop complex web applications, Zend delivers greater reliability in the form of an inbuilt component library with numerous advanced functionalities. Localization, Internalization, Rapid Application Development and Model-View-Controller are some of the popular components used by this framework.
In the terms of knowledgeable web development technocrats, Smarty is a well defined template engine for PHP that facilitates quick distinguish of presentation logic from application logic. The induction of Smarty have deliberately been done by the web developers to achieve several web development related goals including quick and easy to maintain source code integration, greater flexibility for custom web development and seamless security options.
The most powerful among all available frameworks is the CakePHP that minimizes all the architectural overheads faced by the open source web development experts. The Model-View-Controller available in the framework prevents any collision of the source code with the design aspects to keep the entire source code clean and unambiguous. The major advantage from the side of the CakePHP is its compatibility with PHP 4 amd PHP 5 versions.
Another innovative feature of the framework is called Data sensitization that enables considerable reduction in coding overheads in order to protect the application and the source code from any potential security threat. These coding and web application development frameworks allow a web development company to reduce the overall coding time during the development of application. These highly advanced frameworks need lowest configuration time during the server deployment in compare to the other available programing frameworks like Ruby on Rails.

Tarun Gupta, CEO of Brainpulse Technologies, is a prolific author and digital marketing specialist. His insightful writings span SEO, content marketing, social media strategy, and email campaigns, offering invaluable expertise to businesses worldwide. Tarun’s contributions continue to shape the digital marketing landscape, guiding success in multiple niches.
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