Creating a SEO Friendly Website

A business oriented website receives its highest rate of traffic from the search engines and this is why, it is very important for the website to have a SEO friendly architecture. Many commercial websites lack the element of being search engine friendly, because of which they suffer a lot in terms of gaining traffic. Visually appealing websites does generate casual hits but in order to have global presence, it is must to please search engines. Given below are some key factors to be considered in order to make websites search engine friendly

Coding Style
The debate over div's and table has been long known to us. However, now divs are preferred to table by most of the webmasters today since the use of divs improves the crawlability of the search engine for a website.
Java scripts and Active Client Based
Web pages having javascript enabled must be condensed as much as possible. With your own external .js file creation and linking to it from within your pages page, you get reduce the loading time and improve web usuability.
SEO friendly Content Layout
Use an external style sheet to maintain your design basics on a single common page. This will keep you safe from problem of pages looking uneven on the grounds of minor altering layout conditions from one page to the next.

In addition to these, many more aspects are required to be highlighted while creating a website that is SEO friendly. Some of them are:

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